Posts tagged volunteers
Celebrating the Contributions of Volunteers

Last night, we had the pleasure of attending the Jeffersonville Rotary's Gold Leaf celebration. This event gives local non-profits the opportunity to celebrate the contributions of the many people in our community who put "Service Above Self". 

At the event, we honored current Rauch Foundation Board President Dennis Ott. Denny has been involved with Rauch for 10 years.

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Picture This...

I was struck by something almost right away when I came to work at Rauch - how much the people in our programs enjoy having their photos taken. Many times, if they spotted me with a camera, they would ask me to take their picture. They would remember for weeks and ask me to print them a copy of it. 

Most of the people we serve at Rauch aren't worried about their smile looking just right, sporting the latest fashions, or if the camera adds five or ten pounds to their frame. They take joy in the simple pleasure of having their image captured to keep for themselves or share with loved ones... something I've found to be incredibly refreshing.

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