Meet Fire Marshall Ed

Ed began working at Rauch Industries in July 1994 - nearly 21 years ago! A lifelong Indiana resident, he currently lives in New Albany. Ed’s a friendly guy who has never met a stranger and loves to shake hands and talk. He loves movies and is often seen carrying them around, even at work. Ed can repeat, verbatim, many lines from his favorite movies. When he isn’t watching movies or working on the American Beverage Marketers margarita salt line at Rauch Industries, he likes to play video games, shop, look through magazines, watch TV, listen to music, and go to dances.

Ed has always had issues with the fire drills at Rauch Industries. He would cover his ears during the loud noises, and refused to follow his co-workers out the approved (nearest) exit, insisting instead on going with staff out to the front parking lot. Staff has been working one on one with Ed during the fire alarms to desensitize him to the noise and controlled chaos. He has shown remarkable gains recently as he went out the back door during a drill, instead of insisting on going to the front lot. Most remarkable of all, he has now been requesting fire drills. We are all very proud of our new “Fire Marshall Ed!”

Thank you to Work Services Coordinator Theresa Berry for this great success story.