A Very "Lucky" Day

Each year, our ADA and ACCESS programs gather to celebrate the holidays with a pot luck lunch, a visit from Santa, some carols, and a few gifts. Loved ones of those we serve graciously make this special day possible with contributions to purchase food and gifts, and many bring a dish to share. 

This year, ADA & ACCESS Director Sandy Braunbeck kicked the festivities off by introducing all the Rauch program participants in attendance. Everyone was celebrated with their own round of applause, and the family and friends in attendance got some special waves and smiles in return. 

After enjoying a delicious meal, Santa appeared! An extra special part of this year's event was that the actual Santa Claus (who was busy at the North Pole) delegated his responsibility to Branden, a Rauch client who participates in our ACCESS program and works at Rauch Industries. Branden was honored to have the role and did a wonderful job providing gifts to the many deserving attendees.

I hope your holiday season is filled with a bit of luck and magic, too. What's your special tradition?

View more photos from our day on our Facebook page >
